Missionary Simon
When I was born, I have heard my parents say that I was born different from their children. I grew up differently amongst the children they brought up. I was the most active and punctual boy in their lives.
I knew Christ since my childhood, spending much time in a muddy structure that was like a church in our home. At that time, I just knew people are going to church to sing to God and pray. It wasn't until I got older that I understood what it means by being born again.
I have always been dedicated to serving God in church and began preaching in the church at the age of 13 after receiving Christ.
I always wanted to know when and where my father and mother were planning to go and minister, until one day, I remember my dad rebuked me and said, "wait, God is preparing you, your time is coming, one day you will be doing all these things". I didn't know what he meant. I felt offended, and all that I could do was cry, but that didn't stop me from worshipping God in school and at home. I have always encouraged others to be God fearing.
In December 2005, my grandfather died, and he was a man who was very caring and providing for us. Before he died, he told me early one morning, "my grandson, you are very different, you are going be a star, please keep encouraging your brothers and sisters here to be God fearing.
When you struggle to support the children. Always remember, God will come through, never stop adopting children who are needy and orphaned. Make sure discipline is your highest priority". After having said that, two hours later he went to be with the Lord. I pondered, why me. That moment caused me to be even better to God and more respectful to the children that God had entrusted to us because I believed my grandfather had blessed me.
In 2013, the same thing happened when my grandmother was ailing. She told me, "no one knows about tomorrow. Please keep encouraging your brothers and sisters to be God fearing, and never stop adopting kids". Then, one week later, she passed on.
I know that my grandparents, my parents, and most importantly God, have entrusted me with the wonderful responsibility of raising His children, as well as, being a God fearing example to my family and community.